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Competency Test Reviews - Financial & Managerial

Welcome to Automatic Tutoring! We have heard about the new FSOA FAR 1 competency tests for financial and managerial accounting. Don't worry! We are here to help you prepare for the exams by releasing reviews for both the Financial and Managerial Competency Exams. Each review covers the content needed for the exam, including detailed practice questions and answers. We also provide numerous concept and practice questions and two practice exams with video solutions!


**Financial is now available ... Managerial will be released at the end of June/beginning of July 2024**

















**If you are interested in receiving updates on when our Financial & Managerial Competency Exam Reviews are available, sign up below!**




Choose your Exam Review

  • Financial Competency Exam Review

    Review of all material covered on UF's Intro to Financial Accounting Competency Exam
    Valid for 3 months
    • Review Packet
    • Review Videos
    • 80+ Concept Quesitons
    • 100+ Practice Questions
    • Video Solutions
    • 3 Practice Exams
    • Formula Sheet
    • More!
  • Managerial Competency Exam

    We will send you an update on when our Managerial Reviews is available!
    Valid for 6 months
    • Receive Updates:
    • Financial Competency Exam Available
    • Managerial Competency Exam Available
  • FAR 1 Exam 2 Bundle

    Chapter & Exam Review Bundle for Exam 2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 17 ... Summer 2024)
    Valid for 2 months
    • Chapter Reviews:
    • Printed Review Packet
    • Review Videos
    • Chapters 6, 17, 7 & 8
    • 15 Concept Questions
    • 10 Practice Questions
    • Exam Review:
    • Printed Exam Review Packet
    • Review Videos
    • 50+ Practice Exam Questions
    • 1 Mock Exam
    • Formula/Journal Entry/New Account Sheet

Access Reviews

Competency Exam Reviews:

Financial Exam Review

Managerial Exam Review
         Available Soon

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